
FAQs and Top Tips

The aftercare can be as important as your surgery day, and the caring properly for your new nose will help it to heal as expected.

Aftercare Timeline

How Skin Type Affects The Healing Process

How soon can I exercise?

How To Improve Your Results

Cleaning Your Nose After Rhinoplasty

Will the Tip Drop After Surgery?

How Long Until You See Settled Results?

Take your First Step

We understand that it can feel like a big step deciding to book a consultation and start your journey. Onur Gilleard and his team are here to help you towards becoming your most confident self. You will most likely speak to our practice manager Jayne, who will be able to advise you the best course of action and organise your consultation if you feel ready.

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For those considering Rhinoplasty, or who want to know more

Dr. Onur Gilleard offers his opinions and advice on multiple Rhinoplasty FAQs

What makes a 'perfect' nose?

Who is Suitable?

Will I lose feeling in the tip of my nose?

The Consultation Process

Benefits of the Piezotome

Digital Morphing Tools - How Accurate Are They?

My Approach: Balance and Aesthetic Harmony

Useful Links

Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty

Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty

The Piezotome uses ultrasonic energy emitted from a specially designed handpiece for increased precision, less swelling and a faster recovery.

Your Rhinoplasty Journey

Your Rhinoplasty Journey

Pictures, videos and information on the Rhinoplasty process, from pre-consultation through to aftercare and settled results.



Browse our Before and After images, watch patient videos and find inspiration for your Rhinoplasty journey.